Meeting Lyrica & Gayle: Jessica’s Story
In 2016, I met Lyrica and Gayle for the first time. It set off a multi-year journey of medical miracles, purpose, and Ascension. Our experiences would lead to Lyrica’s award-winning book about how a non-verbal autistic considered severely-disabled could inspire the world with her achievements.
I came to meet Lyrica at the Autistic Mystic gathering by fate.
On a visit from San Francisco to Sedona with some coach friends, our hosts had committed us to join the event without our prior knowledge. With very little details about it, we were shuttled from a remote horse ranch in the middle of the desert, down a windy, dusty road surrounded by the iconic rock-face monuments of Sedona, picturesque in the buttery-orange late afternoon sun in our view.
We were greeted warmly by Gayle, in a flowing light outfit, and several others. Behind her, what appeared to be autistic “children” were on all fours in the middle of a large circular room, writhing back and forth trancelike, to some unknown music none but they could hear in the ethers.
Suddenly, one got up and ran around the room in zig zags with her hands pulsing upward in the air.
The wild air of their movements were juxtaposed by the calm of several adults resting in meditative poses in chairs with their eyes closed. Others chatted quietly together in a jovial way, as they waited for the event to begin. No one paid any attention to the mystics’ activities.
Despite their small stature — I realized these three “children” were likely older. The two female adults were very thin, weighing less than a hundred pounds each, and short in height — fitting just underneath my elbow. There was one young adult male who was a bit bigger in stature. He was sitting farther back in the room staring into the air around him and smiling, as he was intently weaving his head in circles as he tracked something invisible. With my second sight, I could see he was looking at geometric shapes and mathematical symbols floating in his energy field (on a different dimension), which he was calculating.
When they lifted their heads, all had this beatific look on their face of transcendent peace, like they were gazing tenderly into the face of God…and smiling.
Behind them, a long curved wall of windows drew us all in; a postcard-look of the natural rock formation of Sugarloaf laid out in front of us. On any given day, one had an equal chance of seeing a UFO or brightly colored hot-air balloons languidly taking in the sites on the horizon.
Sharp jutting cliffs stretched upward in every direction terminated by stark, flat tabletop plateaus. The rock face appeared dipped in the candied stripes of reds, oranges, and pinkish whites that became luminescent with the changing light. The cedar wraparound deck immersed you into the scene, suspended cinematically over a ravine.
The curve of the circular sunken living room in front of us matched the curve of the deck in reverse. But instead of opening to the earthly and cosmic expanses, it seemed to embrace it all — both the extremes of nature behind us and the unexplainable within. It was the perfect stage for what was about to unfold.
As our group filed in, we took our places along the long-curved bench that ran the length of the room. By synchronicity, I was seated in a place of honor next to our hosts, Lyrica and Gayle.
When we were about to start, Lyrica came over and sat next to me on the cushioned bench. She smiled broadly, and with what felt like great intention and uncommon hand control, she started flipping the long medallion necklace lying against my shirt a few times. She made a sharp grunting sound to get my attention to let me know she was communicating with me.
My gold circular necklace was actually a scalar energy device for protection, lifting energy frequency, and amplifying spiritual leadership. In fact, it was a favorite of some well-known spiritual leaders. An unusual mandala shape with interlocking circles, I had been moved to wear it that trip.
As she spun it, I felt the telepathic message that “this [experience] is about your role as a spiritual teacher. There is a message for you here. Listen for it.” She giggled, then she returned to her seated position on the floor in the center of the room and the meditation began.
As it commenced, I felt myself lifted in consciousness and the room faded out. This wasn’t so much a meditation, but a communication!
As I felt into the others around me, I sensed I was the only one having this fully immersive experience. (Later, the other attendees confirmed this.)
Where the room had been, in its place, I saw myself in a cavern within the local rock — with its quintessential long red shale striations running its length across. It had a temple-like feeling that reminded me of the quiet reverence of the famed Antelope Canyon, which has been used for generations by Native American for prayer and ceremony.
Burnt-red magma-melted rock columns, resembling used candle wax, reached for the “sky” at the center of the cavern. Its ascending shape arched into a crown, offering a sense of grandeur surrounding a smooth rounded platform, where I found myself standing.
At first, I was alone in the cavern filled with the invisible, yet twinkling presence of Source. There, I received a personal message from Source about my journey, why I was here, and recognized me for some past accomplishments and discuss my future. It felt very affirming.
Then, I received an energy download from Source that reverberated with light in my body; An upgrade to prepare me for the next leg of my personal journey.
When my private moments of communing were finished, Lyrica and the other NVA’s appeared from behind the rock columns into the cavern and greeted me. Lyrica led the communication and functioned as host. We spoke on the soul level about why I was invited to come and what their goals were. The other two NVA’s would chime in with some details.
Then, a tinkling whoosh of childlike giggling could be heard; A rush of bluish orbs began to “apparate” , or appear magically, and fill the cavern with light.
The feeling of joyfulness and high-frequency consciousness filled the room. They made you just want to smile with the music and lightness of their giggling. NVA’s and autistic beings had arrived using their orb form to transport from all over the planet. It was also perhaps elsewhere (off-planet or other dimensions) for this visit. A few changed into their everyday physical form upon arrival, however most just stayed floating in the room — 2-3 inch round balls (5-8 centimeters) emanating a bluish glow from within.
Then, a high council of NVA’s beings came in, “apparating” from above — shooting in like a laser, much like a Star Trek transporter without the device — from a higher, non-physical dimension. These beings felt wise, stable, and calmly joyful. They wore flowing dark robes and had a more powerful stature.
They showed me that the purpose of this collective was to bring higher consciousness to the planet and assist with its consciousness awakening. I saw how their autistic orientation allowed for very high (and rare) access to higher dimensions of consciousness while still in physical form.
Like being on the top of a ladder, they could “reach up” towards higher realms of information and codes, without needing to touch the ground on Earth quite as much, while still being connected to it. The advantage was a “farther reach” into and focus on the cosmos.
However, the downside could be that they didn’t have much physical control of their bodies and limited physical abilities. Even so, this group had chosen to “lightly embody”, so they could maintain this high level access and bring it down to the earth, without having to have the same focus on the body. This is why they didn’t have all the same physical capabilities as non-autistic people.
Although the design and intention was there, in practice, these beings struggled in their physical experience. They faced many challenges that kept them largely from accomplishing this goal.
First, the general population often saw them as broken — as “something is wrong with them” to be fixed. Most did not consider that they had anything to share, much less a life-affirming mission on the planet to contribute to humanity’s collective conscious evolution.
Many people didn’t understand how to communicate with them — telepathically or with typing on the “finger board”. Therefore, non-verbal autistics (NVA’s) weren’t often heard. However, just like a new language or skill, it can be learned to the enrichment of all.
After years of this, many had given up hope, Many felt disconnected from their purpose on Earth or didn’t believe in their power. They were used to being institutionalized, treated like children, or like “no one was home” (unconscious presence). They were often punished for outbursts when they felt frustrated from not being heard or when sounds and the feelings (of others) were too overwhelming for them due to their heightened sensitivities.
The second issue was that because of their “light embodiment” they often were not very stable in their bodies. Most do not have much control over their body and require full-time physical care for all their basic needs. Therefore, it was difficult to take these high frequency codes (and cosmic information) and stabilize them, which is needed to translate them into the world.
Immediately, I realized that the biggest challenge to this group was that they DID NOT KNOW THE EMBODIMENT CODES! “I do!” I thought. I can help these beautiful beings in their mission by helping them to more fully embody.
Of all the people on the planet, it struck me that I was uniquely qualified; I had been researching and developing a method of embodiment as a pathway to quicken conscious awakening on the planet. Unifying science and spirit, I had discovered a way to interact with energy that naturally allows us to bring high level ideas and inspiration (from our connection with Source) into form for highest results. I loved the sense of synchronicity, as well as aligned values and purpose.
Once, they could gain the embodiment codes, I believed they could bring their higher level access and influence into existence on the earth (physical) plane. It would also enable them to stabilize their bodies and gain greater physical ability and command. This can help them to address at its source what is often seen as a non-verbal autistic’s biggest challenge — limitations to their physical abilities and mobility— and “the downside” of their light embodiment.
With this realization, the scene jumped to a third chapter of my vision. There, I was teaching from a futuristic-looking round platform stage in the center of a modern-looking auditorium. It was surrounded on 3 sides by a large audience of people in the round. In this talk, I had helped them to anchor from a limited 3D “everyday waking reality” to 5D or above “higher consciousness”. They were fully resonating their higher connection with Self and Source.
Then, I invited Lyrica and the other two mystics on the stage. Lyrica acted as the leader of the autistic group, and shared a telepathic experience about consciousness. From the audience’s stable higher frequency connection, people were able to receive the mystics’ communication and have personal experience with it.
The audience’s higher connection also cut down on the disturbances in the field that can be “very loud” or distracting, and very harsh for non-verbal autistics’ sensitivity to energy, sound, and the emotions of others. This made things much easier for Lyrica and the two others to deliver their message. I also felt that they had developed much more command and presence in their body with the influence of the work.
With this last insight, I felt complete. Light-filled and grateful, I was whisked out of it. As if moving through fluffy white clouds of consciousness, I landed in my seat in the circular room. A few moments passed and the meditation event synchronistically came to an end.
I sat with a distinct feeling this entire event series was meant to find me somehow and give me this message. They hoped to gain a commitment for my partnership based in our shared commitment to serve humanity’s conscious awakening to “who we really are” in a stable everyday higher state of being.
Later, I would learn its purpose was to find me. After a year, the Autistic Mystic event series would come to an end shortly thereafter.
I found Lyrica and Gayle after the meditation, introduced myself personally and told them about my experience. I relayed that I understood Lyrica’s higher purpose on this planet and that of her group of NVA’s and autistics. I told them that I have the missing piece they are looking for, and I was committed to helping them when the time was right.
Lyrica shared with me a complex combination of coded fingerboard and telepathic communication about our mission together. It affirmed what I had said, and added more details to it. She shared that they had drawn me here for this purpose. They had finally located me. She thanked me for coming and we re-committed that we would connect again when the time was right.
Over the period of a year, I had been in contact with Lyrica telepathically a few times (about every 3 months). The final time, I had arrived in Los Angeles from San Francisco as a beginning point of a spirit-guided trip across the United States. The day I arrived, I opened to Source to guide my first step.
The next morning, Lyrica pops in with a message that she needs my help and requested that I come for a visit in Sedona.
When I contacted Gayle to confirm the message from Lyrica, she said “Jessica, this is an answered prayer!” Lyrica had been deteriorating physically. She was having seizures, eating very little, and no one knew the reason why. Her message was clear: Lyrica’s health was failing and this request was a matter of life and death.
In perfect timing and alignment, I felt compelled to said “yes” and arrived a few days later.